Monday, May 6, 2019


It's been a year now since we had to say goodbye to Twiggy. We've been missing her so much, but we didn't want to rush into any hasty or bad decisions. After a lot of thought- weighing up the pros and cons, we threw our caution to the wind and decided to go for a new boxer pup.
Our reason for not getting a rescue this time is for several reasons- the first and most important is The Weasel- she is 11 now, and we felt that bring in an unknown would be very unfair on her. We don't have fences or gates here- so we needed to start with a puppy which we could train, and one we know the habits/character of.
Paul and I have had boxers for almost 20 years and there was a huge boxer shaped hole in our lives. Plus we've had a hard 18 months and we all needed a little sunshine back at Velagota again....

So here she is........ Sweet Myrtle de Lareanus

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