Sunday, January 31, 2010

it's all going on!

Lot's to report, Tose+Gloria have given us a lovely pair of bantams- they really are a funny looking couple- him resembling what can only be described as a bogbrush!
Paul had a great birthday- we had 12 for lunch- roast pork and plenty of 'vitamina' of course! (and a cake with chocolate piggies on it!)

The rain has finally eased off and we can get on with some jobs again!
We made use of the last couple of days having a digger here, so we have moved the hot-tub down to the house, and dug some planting channels near the entrance by the stone wall.
Yesterday we started on clearing the piece of land at the far end of the house- very interesting and rewarding work as it looks like there is an old track here.

Today we are starting on the railings so we can finally get that horrible scaffolding off around the house!!

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