Sunday, June 14, 2009


We've had a lovely few weeks with lots of friends and family here. Lovely to see Roy and Pauline (even tho' they brought the rain- much needed actually so thanks to them for that!) Had a wonderful catch up with Thea and Jo-Anne too, so we've had alot of nice company, food and wine.

Now things carry on as normal. The geese are growing- we will have to think about a bigger pond soon!
We are picking lots of fresh vegies from the garden and dug up the first root of potatoes yesterday. Lots of lovely salads, courgettes and raspberries too.

We lost one our best hens about a week ago. I thought I was seeing things a couple of days ago when I saw an extra brown hen back with the others- sure enough she is still about, but sitting on a nest of 15eggs, in the bushes, quite a long way from the chicken pen. We will move her and her nest into the chicken ark later today when she has calmed down again!

It's that time of year again when we have alot of marches and dances in the village, so will wander up today to watch the bombeiros fanfarre, with all the local fire station bands marching round the village.

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