Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter at Velagota

We have had a wonderful Easter. The family have been here- and it's been so nice to all be in the house together (with plenty of food and wine of course!)
Paul made some (our own pork) sausages and I had a go at hot-cross buns.
Sunday morning we had an easter egg hunt on the land.

Our goose is sitting on a nest -5eggs we think but can't get near as mr goose is being VERY protective!
We have two nesting ducks- one due to hatch any day now. Gloria has a new kid (not on the block yet haha.... sorry), and she has assured us that our female bunny is preggers already (bunny in the oven?.... sorry must stop with the terrible jokes!), so Paul is frantically building new accomodation ready for all the new arrivals!

Dad has taken lots of piccies so I will put some more on in a few days.

1 comment:

JoAnne said...

Nice buns Shell! I only normally say that to Paul :-)). Gloria looks like she's going in for the death bite on that kid, I know they're not into animal welfare out there but really!!
WOOHOO me in 7 weeks - how can you bear the eggs-citement...sorry, you're not the only one to crack (ooops) rubbish jokes....